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Saturday, December 30, 2006

It's Official: Michael Jordan and Wife to Divorce

As is typical with celebrity gossip, we report one marriage, quickly followed by one divorce. But by celebrity standards though, theirs was a very long marriage, lasting 17 years. Basketball star Michael Jordan and his wife, Juanita, filed for divorce yesterday.

Their lawyers said in a statement, "Michael and Juanita Jordan mutually and amicably decided to end their 17-year marriage. A judgment for dissolution of their marriage was entered today. There will be no further statements."

Michael and his wife met at a restaurant in Chicago back in '89 and have have three children, Jeffrey, Marcus and Jasmine.

This isn't the first time the couple has been down this road. Juanita filed for divorce in 2002, but they reconciled shortly after and they began to work on their marriage. This time, it doesn't appear they're going to be so lucky.

A friend of Michael's says that the couple has been spending a lot of time together lately, even going to their son's basketball game together two days before Christmas. "You read about women wanting his attention. But grown men and children do too," Les Coney, a family friend, said. "He's a magnet. He hasn't played basketball in five years, but still, people stop and take pictures and ask for autographs. Marriage is hard for any couple, and if you add celebrity to that, it's even harder."

Photo from People Magazine.

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