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Monday, December 04, 2006

No Dreamgirls Feud, Says Beyonce

I never knew there were rumors of a feud on the Dreamgirls set between Beyonce and Jennifer Hudson until Beyonce decided to deny the rumors to People Magazine. I love it when that happens. Now I am sure there is a feud!

Beyonce talked about how she knew that her role wasn't the meaty role in the movie. So is she calling Jennifer Hudson fat? I kid. Here's what Beyonce said:

"I knew that the character that I played wasn't the star," Knowles, 25, told reporters on Saturday about knowing full well that her Diana Ross-esque role of Deena Jones was less meaty than Hudson's part as Effie White - a part that is already getting Hudson Oscar buzz. "She wasn't the underdog. She didn't have the struggle and the pain and the dramatic scenes that Effie had, and I was fine with that."

Taking the role was about proving herself as an actress. "I'm already a star. I already have nine Grammys. Everyone knows I can sing," Knowles said. "I did this because I wanted people to know that I can act and I can play someone so different from myself."

Okay, I was kidding that she called Hudson fat and then I read this quote: "I mean," said Knowles, "I wish I could've gained 20 pounds and played Effie." Ouch. If there wasn't a feud before, there should be one now.

Photo from People.


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