Pam Anderson Talk to OK! Magazine

She has just finished shooting a movie with Denise Richards, Blonde and Blonder, and she is in the midst of developing a television series with the former producers from Baywatch. Not busy enough, she is also launching a men's fragrance. Here's a bit of what she had to say. If you want to read the rest, you'll have to go buy the magazine.
How are you feeling after a bumpy few months?
I finally feel over the hump. I'm fine and happy. It's been a crazy year, and I made some decisions I'm still paying for. But life goes on, and I have no regrets. I can't believe what happened.
You mean about your recent divorce?
It's been up and down, but I am trying to put it behind me now. It's funny how a friendship can last forever, but the moment you throw sex into it, then there is ownership, and if the relationship finishes, you're the enemy. Why is that? I just don't understand the anger. It got irrational all of a sudden, and it's unsettling. It hurts because I care about him, and I'm worried.
Are you dating?
I have met some very interesting men. I am just not ready. I prefer what I know, so I tend to recycle boyfriends! I am sure that is confusing as hell.
And you've been seen with Kelly Slater...
Oh, dear, have I? I totally adore him, and he has always been there for us.
Your OK! shoot in Cancun is 12 years to the day you got married to Tommy - isn't that odd?
Yes, I can't believe it! This is the day I got married! It brings everything flooding back. We really were in love. It really brought me back to that great, over-the-top "in love" feeling. Tommy almost came to see me. That could have been dangerous!
It does seem that you are never really over Tommy.
We have kids - it'll never be over. Tommy and I have always been in love, though it has traveled different levels. It's a different kind of love. I know I will care for him forever, and the feeling is mutual. We'll never be alone because we have each other.
Any fun projects coming up?
I am developing a new TV series on the beach with the producers of Baywatch. The working title is Malibu - it's The Flamingo Kid meets Baywatch. We start shooting this summer. And I'm starting a column in OK! magazine. I am excited.
And you're launching a new fragrance campaign?
I'm working on a fun, sexy campaign for a men's fragrance. I also came up with the idea of doing one for women called Scuzzi. Every time you squirt some, it makes a fart noise! But I don't think we're going that way.
What was it like vacationing at the Fairmont Mayakoba?
It was lovely. Next time, I am bringing my kids, who are avid golfers. I'm proud of myself - I was here for four days and didn't get married [laughs].
Photo from Pam's website.
Labels: Fairmont Mayakoba, Pam Anderson, Tommy Lee
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