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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Julia Roberts to Add "Producer" to Her Resume

Actress Julia Roberts can now add Producer to her long string of accomplishments. She is set to produce a feature adaptation of Lolly Winston's book, "Happiness Sold Separately," with an option to star in the movie as well. The story is about a suburban wife and her withdrawal from her husband as he has an affair with someone from their gym.

Director Scott Coffey said, "I couldn't get Julia out of my head when I was reading Lolly's book. Elinor is such a strong, complicated woman, and bringing her to the screen required Julia's integrity, empathy, humor and legs."

Julia is certainly very busy these days. As if having two-year-old twins wasn't enough, she is also currently a voice in "Charlotte's Web," and is in production for "Charlie Wilson's War." She will also star in and produce "The Friday Night Knitting Club" and is developing a feature based on the American Girl doll characters. Geesh, and I thought I was busy!

Photo from Variety.



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