Jason Heads to Jail

Wahler pleaded no contest to one count of battery, and in addition to jail time, was ordered to attend 104 AA meetings, 36 hours of anger management classes, and to stay away from all of the victims. DeLuca pleaded no contest to one count of battery and was sentenced to 24 months of probation. She also must serve 15 days working on the road with CalTrans.
TMZ describes the details of the incident:
Wahler, 20, and model Kristin DeLuca, 25, were arrested in September 2006 after an altercation on Wilshire Blvd. The two and a group of friends were driving on Wilshire when their vehicle was blocked by a city vehicle and a tow truck attempting to move an illegally parked car. The pair jumped out of their car and got into a verbal altercation with the city employee and the tow truck drivers. Wahler punched one of the drivers and DeLuca kicked the tow operator and spit in his face. The drivers called the cops after restraining Wahler. His blood alcohol level at the time of his arrest was .22 -- nearly three times the legal limit.
Lauren Conrad must be glad she dumped this guy, huh?
Photo from TMZ.
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