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Friday, December 01, 2006

More Willa and Maksim News

The Willa and Maksim news is everywhere today!! The newest story is that, in a highly coincidental move (not), Maksim announced that he will not be appearing in the Dancing with the Stars tour.

When asked why, Maksim responded: "I decided, prior to the tour rehearsals starting, to pull out of the tour for personal reasons that I wish I could reveal, but I can't," Chmerkovskiy tells PEOPLE. "There are no health issues, my health is fine. But I decided it was not right for me." Shortly after Maksim's announcement, Willa said she will not join the tour either because she does not want to dance with a new partner.

Regarding the shock about her engagement, Willa said:

"Maks and I were definitely close and we still are, but I kept saying that it's going to be a shocker to everybody when they find out (I'm engaged to Mike,)" Ford says. "Every week I told people the truth - we were close, we hung out - but the show loved to fuel the relationship."

She also said that she personally called Maksim to tell him about her engagement and he "said, 'you know I'm happy for you. I support you.' So everyone should know that Maks is okay! We'll stay friends and we'll still hang out."

So based upon absolutely no facts at all, my theory is that Willa used Maksim to make Modano jealous. For your consideration, I present Exhibit A: the Hyde nightclub date. Does someone go to the hottest club in LA with a friend? Ummm, no.

Like anticipating that blog posts like this would be published, Chmerkovskiy said: "People will try to tie Willa's engagement and my pulling out of the tour together and they are not related at all. I hope that Willa will be happy with Mike." I know that English is the guy's second language, but doesn't he sound a bit bitter?


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