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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Lindsay Dry for a Week

It's been a whole week, seven full days, since Lindsay Lohan has had a drink. She was late to a party at Hollywood club Shag in on Monday and explained her tardiness by telling People magazine: "I just left an AA meeting." Here's what else she said about it:

"I've been going to AA, for a year by the way," she added. Why didn't she say so until recently? "Well it's no one's business. That's why it's anonymous!"

"I haven't had a drink in seven days. Or anything. I'm not even legal to, so why would I?" Lohan, 20, told PEOPLE. "I don't drink when I go to clubs. I drink with my friends at home, but there's no need to. I feel better not drinking. It's more fun. I have Red Bull."

But, she added, "I didn't feel bad before. I never felt bad. I just wanted to, like, find a balance. I was out too much. I was too caught up. I mean, I'm 20 years old. I was off from work, I was getting ready to start a film, and I was like going out just to get it out of my system. I was going out too much and I knew that, and I have more to live for than that."

Lohan said she hopes to shift the focus from her partying to her career. "I was like, I don't want to be written about at these clubs with these people. I work, I act, I have a living. That's what I do every day. I work every single day."

We wish her all the best in her quest to avoid both alcoholism and underage drinking at the same time.

Photo from People.



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